Australia’s government accredited mobile phone recycling program, MobileMuster, announces their top local government recyclers at the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) National General Assembly in Canberra to support its mission to improve and strengthen mobile phone recycling.
Hornsby Shire Council was named Australia’s top mobile phone recycler as it leads the way in mobile phone recycling and educating the community to take sustainable action. Through its recycling centre the community collected 578kg of mobile phones in the past 12 months. The awards recognise the hard work and dedication undertaken by council and its staff to support the program.
Spyro Kalos (Manager, MobileMuster) Chris Horsey (Manager, Waste Management, Hornsby Shire Council), Mayor Philip Ruddock (Hornsby Shire Council) and Matthew Kean (NSW Minister for Energy and Environment and local member for Hornsby).
The awards demonstrate the importance of industry and local government working together to tackle the growing problem of electronic waste (e-waste) and making sure it is safely and securely recycled through an accredited program. With e-waste growing at three times the rate of general waste in Australia, with 25 million old mobile phones stockpiled in drawers across the country[i] it is important to ensure all Australians have access to recycling in their local community.
Spyro Kalos, Manager of MobileMuster, said “MobileMuster partners with nearly 400 councils around Australia reaching 18 million residents who help to recycle tonnes of non-renewable and valuable resources each year.”
“We are proud to partner with councils like Hornsby Shire Council who represents a community driven to create a vibrant sustainable environment for themselves and future generations to live and work.”
Local governments are often the first point of contact for residents and small businesses who want to recycle tricky items like their old mobile phones and accessories. In partnership with MobileMuster, councils can help Australians sustainably declutter their old phones, save precious resources and clean up the environment.
It’s easy to get involved, residents can recycle their old mobiles at one of MobileMuster’s 3,500 drop off points across the country or post them back, along with any accessories and chargers, by picking up a satchel at AusPost for free.
Councils can join the program to receive free collection units, free pick-up and recycling service, along with promotional material. Everything collected by MobileMuster is recycled for the circular economy. The program recovers 99% of the material from old phones and accessories through recycling, which are then used in manufacturing of new products, reducing the need for virgin materials. All the metal, glass and plastic in your mobile phone has the potential for a second life.
Top Local Government Recyclers 2019
Top Local Government Recyclers Per Capita 2019
[i] IPSOS, Consumer insights into mobile phone use and recycling (February 2018). Based on a used sample size of 1001 people Australia-wide.