Over 1 million mobiles and batteries recycled

Wed 1 Nov 2017
As the industry product stewardship program moves into its twentieth year, the mobile telecommunications industry continues to invest and lead the way in product stewardship providing a free take back and recycling service for all mobile phone users, along with retailers, workplaces, and local councils within Australia.

“In the past 12 months MobileMuster has collected and recycled 79 tonnes of mobile phone components, including over 1 million handsets and batteries,” said MobileMuster’s Manager Spyro Kalos.

Key highlights from the financial year 2017 annual report:

  • Increase in the collection of mobile phones recycled year on year to 79 tonnes
  • Strong diversion from landfill and recycling rate of 99%
  • Delivered 60,000 meals to people in need through the Mobile for a Meal campaign
  • Welcomed two new members, HMD Global (Nokia) and Google
  • Processing of mobile phone batteries onshore through Envirostream

In the coming year MobileMuster, the recycling program managed by the Australian Mobile Telecommunications Association (AMTA) on behalf of the mobile telecommunications industry, will work with its members and collection partners to continue to raise the awareness and sustainability of mobile phone recycling in Australia.

AMTA also welcomes the review of the Product Stewardship Act 2011 and looks forward to working with the Government to maintain MobileMuster as a voluntary scheme that delivers enhanced environmental, social and economic outcomes in Australia.

The annual results have been independently audited by RSM Bird Australia and assessed to ensure that the program is well positioned for future success under the product stewardship scheme.

Annual Report 2017